10句震撼人心的《阿凡達:水之道/Avatar: The Way of Water》電影金句

闊別13年之久,全球影迷終於迎來《阿凡達/Avatar》的續作《阿凡達:水之道/Avatar: The Way of Water》,再次登上神秘的潘朵拉星。

在《阿凡達/Avatar》的結尾,男主角Jake Sully終成為納美人與深愛的Neytiri長相廝守,並在《阿凡達:水之道/Avatar: The Way of Water》中一起養育五個孩子,故事環繞著孩子們展開,然而災難卻悄然而至……

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剛看完《阿凡達:水之道/Avatar: The Way of Water》激動的內心難以平復嗎?

今次Enjoy Movie整理了十句《阿凡達:水之道/Avatar: The Way of Water》的經典對白,陪你再次回味蔚藍的潘朵拉星與浩瀚的海洋。

This is not a squad, it’s a family. -Neytiri

阿凡達:水之道/Avatar: The Way of Water》電影金句

You are not him. -Kiri

阿凡達:水之道/Avatar: The Way of Water》電影金句

We cannot allow you to bring your war here. -Tonowari

阿凡達:水之道/Avatar: The Way of Water》電影金句

Wherever we go, this family is our fortress. –Jake

阿凡達:水之道/Avatar: The Way of Water》電影金句

Water connects all things, life to death, darkness to light.

阿凡達:水之道/Avatar: The Way of Water》電影金句

The sea gives and the sea takes. -Tsireya

阿凡達:水之道/Avatar: The Way of Water》電影金句

The sea is your home before your birth and after your death.

阿凡達:水之道/Avatar: The Way of Water》電影金句

Sullys stick together. It was our greatest weakness and our great strength.

阿凡達:水之道/Avatar: The Way of Water》電影金句

This is our home! -Neytiri

阿凡達:水之道/Avatar: The Way of Water》電影金句

Kiri: Dad I know you think I’m crazy. But I feel her. I hear her heart beat. She’s so close.

Jake: So what does her heartbeat sound like?

Kiri: Mighty.

阿凡達:水之道/Avatar: The Way of Water》電影金句
一鳥二貓的飼主,不是在吸貓,就是在去追劇的路上。 📬:lena.lo@conceptable.net



